War thunder pc
War thunder pc


"In general, the whole world is changing toward free-to-play. Yudintsev also expects to see a continued shift toward free-to-play titles over the course of the next few years, because the model has a number of benefits for developers.

war thunder pc

We were trying this, starting from 2008, to find a publisher for our game - for our online, free-to-play game. "But if it wouldn't be free-to-play, we would not be able to convince any publisher to do that. "For us, it was the only way we be independent and not lose our creative control, do what we want," said Yudintsev. Self-publishing War Thunder as a free-to-play game was the key. Yudintsev explained that Gaijin has been working on War Thunder at a slow pace since 2008 the studio had the concept and design laid out back then, and attempted to get the game made on PlayStation 3, but was unable to get publishers or investors on board for a retail title. And the game's free-to-play model is crucial to the studio's ability to make the game in the first place.


Sony is supplying that with PS4, which will allow Gaijin to maintain a cross-platform experience across PS4 and PC for War Thunder. And you need the infrastructure ecosystem suitable for that."


"One month of QAing of update is not suitable for an online game. "In order to make online game working cross-platform, you need much faster updates," said Yudintsev, describing the update frequency on PC. But the platform does allow for a faster pace of updates, which is crucial for an online game. Keeping the PS4 and PC versions in lockstep isn't a simple proposition, said Yudintsev, because even on PS4, Sony still has some "legacy policies" in place regarding the publishing of content. The PS4 version offers the same controls, although skilled players will have more detailed options available to them. Yudintsev attributes that to War Thunder's simplified airplane control scheme: A reticle appears in the center of the screen and you simply move it around to direct your aircraft, rather than having to worry about complicated flight terms like pitch, roll and yaw. Gaijin counts more than 5 million registered users for the PC version of War Thunder, and according to Yudintsev, approximately three-fourths of them are new to flight combat games, which are usually complex titles reserved for hardcore gamers. That feature is made possible by two factors, according to Yudintsev: an innovative, easy-to-grasp control scheme that debuted on the PC version and immediately made the game accessible, as well as the way Sony's old policies are changing as the company embraces free-to-play games on PS4. That has to be the case, since War Thunder supports cross-platform play between PC and PS4. It should be updated simultaneously it should be working the same way," said Anton Yudintsev, president and CEO of the Moscow-based studio, in an interview with Polygon today. "In terms of gameplay, content and everything, it should be the same game. And once Gaijin launches the World War II-based shooter on PlayStation 4 later this year, both versions will effectively be the same game.

war thunder pc


War Thunder, the massively multiplayer online military combat game from Gaijin Entertainment, has been in an open beta on Windows PC for a year now.

War thunder pc